TPNx is the annual networking conference that is part job fair, part mastermind, and part hangar party; it is all opportunity for us as aviation professionals. This is our chance to bring the companies that support and employ us to come together for a weekend of synergy!
Tickets: You are welcome to attend for a single day, or both (add each day to your cart separately for purchase).
Your TPNx ticket gives you access to all after-hours events throughout the conference, but entry to the conference sessions is only permitted on the specific day your ticket was purchased for.
Discounted Early Bird tickets are available only through December 31st while supplies last and are non-refundable and non-transferable.
- Spouses are encouraged to attend. Spouses are free, and these tickets will be announced soon via email.
TPNx Dates: 16-17 April 2025
Location: Intercontinental Minneapolis - St. Paul Airport
Lodging: TDB
Dress Code: Business Casual (no suits allowed unless scheduled for a formal interview). Look nice but be comfortable. Polo Shirts and nice slack/jeans are recommended.
Spouses: We encourage spouses to attend. Please select the Spouse Ticket options above. Please note that pilot attendees may not use a spouse ticket for entry, this is only for a pilot's spouse.
Resumes & Published Application: Required if interested in a 1-on-1 meeting with Airline Recruiters.
One-on-One meetings: Signup for One-on-One meetings with recruiters will be via the TPNx Event App. This will be available approximately 6-8 weeks prior to the event and slots will be opening up as airlines release them. In the meantime, please remember to fill out this Pilot Profile form prior to attending TPNx. This will help provide airline recruiting teams information on who will be attending TPNx: https://airtable.com/app0ZRjW3WmjiPiSn/shrJFYboV709JBiKO
Refund Policy: Discounted Early Bird tickets are non-refundable and non-transferable. However, regular pilot attendee tickets may request to cancel their ticket for a full refund, up to two weeks before the date of your scheduled attendance of TPNx. Refund requests within two weeks of TPNx are not able to be accepted. ...more
Terms & Conditions: ...read here